¨1. What information is needed to suggest gene therapy to treat fatal familial insomnia?
Since fatal familial insomnia is a disease whose root comes from a defect in the genes one can assume that gene therapy is a possible solution to this problem.
¨2. The mode of inheritance of fatal familial insomnia is by dominant autosomal genes.
3. Fatal familial insomnia illustrates pleiotropy because it didn't form to its terciary structure it affected some of the traits of the circadian rhythm.
3. Fatal familial insomnia illustrates pleiotropy because it didn't form to its terciary structure it affected some of the traits of the circadian rhythm.
¨4. Fatal insomnia can also occur spontaneously- that is, in the absence of a family history. Explain how this mechanism differs from inheriting the condition.
This mechanism, although even more rare than inheriting it, differs since it can be worked with each of the symptoms separately and one can be cure from the disease.
¨5. Name a prion disease that affects a non-human animal.
Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina (mad cow disease) y chronic wasting disease.
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